Wednesday, January 18, 2012

元朗騙徒借手機搶走iPhone 4

騙徒借手機搶走iPhone 4

(綜合報道)(星島日報報道) 警方雖然多次宣傳提醒市民切勿將手提電話借給陌生人,但元朗教育路一間店鋪姓黃女店員(二十一歲),昨午一時許遇上中年騙徒,好心借出手機時,遭搶去值四千多元的iPhone 4。


記者 施永昭

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Apple Lists Part Suppliers for First Time, Discloses Violations

Apple Lists Part Suppliers for First Time, Discloses Violations
January 14, 2012
By Adam Satariano

Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc., responding to criticism of working conditions at companies that make parts for its products, listed its suppliers for the first time and disclosed instances of rights violations by some manufacturers.

An annual audit released yesterday pointed to involuntary labor at 17 factories and underage labor at five, according to the company’s supplier responsibility report. Apple, based in Cupertino, California, also published the names of 156 companies that account for 97 percent of the company’s procurement expenditures.

Apple, which began releasing the report in 2007, has faced scrutiny of labor practices at such manufacturers as Foxconn Technology Group. Environmental and human rights groups have criticized the company for the working conditions and use of unsafe materials by suppliers contracted to build the iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac.

“We insist that our manufacturing partners follow Apple’s strict code of conduct,” Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook wrote yesterday in an e-mail to employees. “These audits make sure that working conditions are safe and just, and if a manufacturer won’t live up to our standards, we stop working with them.”

Apple Suppliers 2011

Apple’s list of suppliers includes such companies as Broadcom Corp., Samsung Electronics Co., Sony Corp. and Qualcomm Inc. One component maker not named, OmniVision Technologies Inc., fell 3.2 percent in U.S. trading yesterday.

Apple’s audit examined all levels of Apple’s supply chain, from component suppliers to final assembly.


In 229 audits, Apple discovered violations, including instances of underage labor; long working hours; unfair compensation; unsafe working conditions; and practices that cause harm to the environment.

In the case of underage workers, Apple said it required the suppliers to support the young peoples’ return to school and to improve management systems to add age-verification procedures. Apple said it ceased working with one repeat offender of its involuntary labor standards.

Apple also discovered 93 factories where records indicated more than half of workers exceeded a limit of 60 hours of work a week. Apple said it required suppliers to change work shifts and hired a consultant to help factories avoid long work hours.

Also cited by Apple were 42 facilities engaged in such compensation-related violations as delayed payment of wages, 67 that deducted pay as a punishment tool, 68 facilities that didn’t provide adequate benefits and 108 that didn’t pay proper overtime wages.


The reports coincided with an announcement that Apple agreed to let outside monitors into factories of its partners. Apple became the first technology company to join the Fair Labor Association, a Washington-based group set up in 1999 to monitor workplace environments globally in an initiative by former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Its participants include Nike Inc. and Nestle SA.

Apple also said it found instances of involuntary labor, mainly the result of suppliers that subcontract with labor agencies to hire workers from countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The company cited discrimination violations, including 18 facilities that screened job candidates or current workers for hepatitis B and 24 facilities that conducted pregnancy tests.

“We classified these practices as discrimination -- even if permissible under local laws,” Apple said. “At our direction, the suppliers have stopped discriminatory screenings for medical conditions or pregnancy.”

Friday, January 13, 2012

中國北京三里屯蘋果專賣店 搶購 iPhone4S 民眾向店鋪投擲雞蛋洩憤





Apple iPhone 

蘋果先前大賣廣告,表示三里屯的店將在上午7時開張。但在7時15分左右,有手持擴音器的男子廣播表示,新機iPhone 4S今天不會在三里屯店發售,民眾開始不滿,齊聲要求蘋果「開店」,並高呼蘋果是「騙子」。


蘋果原定提前開店,於上午7時整開賣iPhone 4S,果迷們在6時左右就開始湧入三里屯排隊,現場至少有20名公安,北京戶外的溫度零下9度。

蛋洗蘋果店 iPhone 4S 開售變停售 排隊爆衝突 公安封鎖北京店

【明報專訊】「蘋果教主」喬布斯遺作iPhone 4S手機昨日在內地公開發售,立即引起蘋果迷瘋狂搶購,北京、上海的蘋果專賣店前各有數千人在寒冷深夜排隊。北京三里屯店前的「排隊黨」更與保安衝突,現場隨即被公安封鎖。蘋果公司即日宣布內地的iPhone 4S售罄,停止專賣店銷售,顧客只能透過網絡訂購。

昨晨7點,北京蘋果三里屯店尚未開門,就有「排隊黨」與大廈保安發生衝突,至少6名「排隊黨」追打保安,導致該店迅即宣布停售iPhone 4S。但此舉進一步刺激店外的部分「排隊黨」,人群中更有人買來成袋雞蛋,向玻璃外牆擲去。大批警員趕到現場驅趕排隊者,並扯起警戒線封鎖專賣店。警員最多時有150餘名,四周區域警車、防暴車、監控車達數十輛,還有警犬在現場駐守。

受僱通宵排隊 憂薪水無望

10時50分警員將外層警戒線撤除,但仍禁止民眾靠近蘋果店正門。同時,有蘋果店員工打出事先準備的「本店今日iPhone 4S已售完」告示牌,不久又改成「本店近期不銷售iPhone 4S」。


凌晨3時開始排隊的安徽籍白領黃海軍,忍受寒冷排隊後,仍無法購得心頭好,他說「由於怕一離開隊伍就無法返回,內急也不敢上廁所,要致電朋友來現場替換,才敢去廁所」。但他說,不會購買「排隊黨」轉售的東西,亦不打算再買國內版iPhone 4S,準備購買港版機。

本報昨日致電本港一間iPhone 4S水貨代理商,獲告知昨日來自內地的訂單暴升兩至三成,但16GB版本的價格仍會維持在6000至6200港元之間,價格與內地蘋果官價(4988元人民幣)接近。

內地最先開售的中國聯通網上營業廳,昨日凌晨零時就開始銷售,5分鐘後,該網一度癱瘓。蘋果內地官方網站與專賣店同時開售,但2小時後,4S貨品全數下架,顯示「暫無供應」。蘋果公司昨日發表簡短聲明稱,iPhone 4S的需求超乎想像,目前在中國內地的蘋果零售店均已售罄,「暫時不在北京和上海零售店進行銷售。」

有專賣店職員透露,一周內都不會恢復銷售。聲明又指,顧客仍可透過蘋果官網預定iPhone 4S,或在中國聯通等其他授權經銷商處購買。